Case #19: Access to data from the Bio- and Genome Bank Denmark
Case # 19: Access to data from the Bio- and Genome Bank Denmark Cases are examples of questions and inquiries we receive in the Guidance Function, which we would like to share for inspiration. A researcher contacted the Guidance Function with an inquiry about how to gain access to data at the Bio- and Genome Bank Denmark. The Bio- and Genome Bank Denmark covers the regional biobanks and works to secure biological material for the individual citizen’s own investigation and treatment and also aims to support health research.Currently, The Bio- and Genome Bank Denmark consists of 10 biobanks. These include 8 clinical biobanks: Danish Cancer Biobank, Danish Reuma Biobank, Danish COVID-19 Biobank, Danish Genetic Biobank, Danish DermaBiobank, Danish Screening Biobank, Danish DiabetesBiobank and Danish Eye Biobank. Furthermore, RBGB also consists of biobanks with other functions, such as the Danish Blood donor Biobank and Danish Research Biobank. The structure of RBGB is being continually expanded and will in time consist of additional biobanks.You can initiate a collaboration with The Bio- and Genome Bank Denmark and gain access to their biological materials for research projects. The application process for accessing biological material is as follows: 1.Contact the Bio- and Genome Bank Denmark before the project is reported to the scientific ethics committee, the regional research record, and any other authoritiesIf a researcher intends to collect samples through the Bio- and Genome Bank Denmark, they are encouraged to contact them first. This is because the role of RBGB and the data flow must be described correctly, which the RBGB-secretariat can help with. 2.Report the project to the scientific ethics committee and the regional research record, and other potential relevant authoritiesAccording to Danish legislation, all research projects that contain human biological material must be approved by a scientific ethics committee before they can be carried out. Which scientific ethics committee the approval must be obtained from depends on the subject of the research project. If you want to read more about what must be reported to the various scientific ethics committees, you can find more information on their website (in Danish): Hvortil skal jeg anmelde? | Nationalt Center for Etik 3.Submit application form to the Bio- and Genome Bank DenmarkThe application form for the Bio- and Genome Bank Denmark is used for both regional and national enquiries.For regional or local enquiries, the application form must be sent to the local biobank centre or the RBGB-secretariat.When applying for samples and data from all over the country, the application form must always be sent to the RBGB-secretariat. 4.Access to materialBased on the application form, the secretariat in the Bio- and Genome Bank Denmark or the local center project manager makes a search for the material. The RBGB-secretariat is responsible for coordinating the collection and retrieval of samples for the applying project. Afterwards the relevant fractions will be found and sent to the agreed delivery address. For further information, please visit the Bio- and Genome Banks website: rbgb.dk (in Danish), alternatively you can visit RBGB english – Bio- and Genome Bank Denmark (regioner.dk) In this case, we guided the researcher in the application process and data access, and we passed on the contact information to the Bio- and Genome Bank Denmark, which the researcher could contact for further information. Please feel free to contact us if you need guidance in your research project. Our services are free, and we aim to reply to any inquiries within 2-4 working days.The Guidance Function offers first-level support for Danish and international researchers in need of help to navigate the requirements and processes surrounding research projects. News from the Guidance FunctionWe welcome your suggestions for content for the Guidance Function newsletter. Please submit any suggestions to info@vejledningsfunktionen.dk. Opening hoursMonday – Thursday between 10:00 – 14:00Friday between 10:00 – 13:00Tel.: (+45) 2494 7969