Videos of webinars on the Guidance Function’s website
Videos of webinars on the Guidance Function’s website The Guidance Function offers first-level guidance on the requirements and permissions needed when applying for health data.As a part of our services, the Guidance Function have conducted a series of webinars during the spring of 2023. The webinar topics referred to different data sources and the requirements and processes that a researcher can encounter when applying for different types of data. The webinar topics were: Biobanks Clinical trials Clinical quality databases Registry data Patient record data The webinars have received great feedback and there were among other a high demand for recordings of the presentations, so it could be available for those who were not able to participate in the webinars. Based on this demand, the Guidance function has made videos of the webinars, where you can see and hear all of our presentations.You can find the videos here on our website (in Danish): Videoer af webinarer | Vejledningsfunktionen The first webinar that is launched on our website, is about clinical quality databases, and the website will be continuously updated with the other webinars, as they become quality assured. We hope that this initiative can contribute with knowledge that can simplify access to health data. The Guidance Function services are free for both public and private clinicians and researchers, Danish as well as foreign.Contact the Guidance Function on info@vejledningsfunktionen.dk or call on +45 2494 7969Monday to Thursday at 10-14Friday at 10-13 News from the Guidance FunctionWe welcome your suggestions for content for the Guidance Function newsletter. Please submit any suggestions to info@vejledningsfunktionen.dk. Opening hoursMonday – Thursday between 10:00 – 14:00Friday between 10:00 – 13:00Tel.: (+45) 2494 7969