Projektoversigt og godkendelser

Unsure about which approvals your project requires? Consult the Guidance Function’s project overview and approvals

Unsure about which approvals your project requires? Consult the Guidance Function’s project overview and approvals  The guidance function’s website contains many features with useful knowledge and information that can be of use to researchers. You can, among other things, find descriptions of 11 different project and data types and what approvals they require. You can find the descriptions on our website here.: Project overview and approvals | Vejledningsfunktionen. In these descriptions, you can read about the various approvals and general rules that individual projects and data types must adhere to and potentially obtain. For example, it may include what approvals a study consisting of questionnaires and patient medical records should have. Additionally, the page provides information about the general rules and laws that must be followed when conducting health research in Denmark. The 11 different project and data types are: Image diagnostic data Biological material Genome data Intervention studies without medicine or medical equipment Interviews Quality development/quality assurance projects Clinical trials of medicinal Medical equipment / In vitro diagnostics Patient record data Registry data Surveys  The Guidance Function hopes that the Project overview and approvals | Vejledningsfunktionen can help simplify access to health data and that you will find it useful and are willing to share it with your colleagues. Remember that the Guidance Function is a free guidance service available to both public and private researchers, both Danish and international. You can always reach out to us at or call us at +45 2494 7969.

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Guide til dataadgang og godkendelser

Guides for data access and approvals on the Guidance function’s website

Guides for data access and approvals on the Guidance function’s website  The Guidance Function offers first-level guidance on the requirements and permissions needed when applying for health data. As part of our services, we have launched several initiatives on the Guidance function’s website with the overall aim of simplifying access to health data. The application process for data access and approvals is different depending on which data provider or legal agency you apply to. Therefore, the Guidance function has prepared some guides on the various application processes with the various data providers and legal agencies, as one of the several initiatives we have launched on our website. On the website you can find guides for data access with the following data providers: Bio- and Genome Bank Denmark The Danish Clinical Quality Program – National Clinical Registries (RKKP) The Danish Health Data Authority The Danish National Archives In addition, there are guides for approvals with the following legal agencies: The Regional Research Ethics Committee The National Research Ethics Committee The Scientific Ethics Medical Committees Regional Research Record Patient Record Data (Regional Council) Quality Assurance or Quality Development Projects  The various guides can be accessed here on the website: Guide to data access and approvals | Vejledningsfunktionen. The purpose of this initiative is to create an overview of the requirements and process steps involved in applying for health data and approvals and thus help researchers, clinicians and other stakeholders to gain access to health data or obtain approvals.We hope that this initiative can help to create a comprehensive overview of the various application processes and thus contribute to simplifying access to health data. Guides for data access and approvals will be updated with new data providers as we receive feedback from those we have been in contact with. If you have not been contacted by the Guidance Function, but think that your organisation would be suitable on the website, please contact the Guidance Function at The Guidance Function services are free for both public and private clinicians and researchers, Danish as well as foreign.Contact the Guidance Function on or call on +45 2494 7969

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Oversigt over forsknings-relaterede instanser

Useful knowledge on the Guidance Function’s website

Useful knowledge on the Guidance Function’s website  The Guidance Function offers first-level guidance on the requirements and permissions needed when applying for health data. As a part of our services, we would like to create an overview of the knowledge, support and guidance available for researchers on a regional and national level. Therefore, at the beginning of 2023, we created a new feature on our website, which is an overview of some of the offers, and services that are available for researchers, clinicians and other interested parties who are working with research and health data. The feature is called, Overview of research-related agencies, and contains contact information for agencies in Denmark, both regionally and nationally within the following areas: Laws, agreements and approvals Research support units, project management, guidance and secretaries Libraries Data og statistics Funding and financial guidance You can find the feature on the Guidance Function’s website: Overview of research-related agencies | Vejledningsfunktionen. The agencies and authorities have participated in the information gathering. If you have not been contacted by the Guidance Function, but think your agency would be suitable for this list, please contact us at The Guidance Function services are free for both public and private clinicians and researchers, Danish as well as foreign.Contact the Guidance Function on or call on +45 2494 7969.Monday to Thursday at 10-14Friday at 10-13  News from the Guidance FunctionWe welcome your suggestions for content for the Guidance Function newsletter. Please submit any suggestions to Opening hoursMonday – Thursday between 10:00 – 14:00Friday between 10:00 – 13:00Tel.: (+45) 2494 7969

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Video om biobanker

Video about biobanks on the Guidance Function’s website

Video about biobanks on the Guidance Function’s website  The Guidance Function offers first-level guidance on the requirements and permissions needed when applying for health data.As a part of our services, the Guidance Function have conducted a series of webinars during the spring of 2023. The webinar topics referred to different data sources and the requirements and processes that a researcher can encounter when applying for different types of data.Due to high demand, the Guidance Function has made videos of the webinars, which have been continuously launched on the Guidance function’s website.There are already videos on the following topics on the website: Clinical quality databases Clinical trials Patient record data Register data The newest and final addition is our video on biobanks. The video provides an introduction to the most essential aspects of biobanks and how biobanks can be used in research with health data, as well as information about Bio- and Genome Bank Denmark and the Danish National Biobank.You can find the videos here on our website (in Danish): Videoer af webinarer | Vejledningsfunktionen.English versions of the recordings is in progress and will be launched during the fall of 2023. We hope that this initiative can contribute with knowledge that can simplify access to health data. The Guidance Function services are free for both public and private clinicians and researchers, Danish as well as foreign.Contact the Guidance Function on or call on +45 2494 7969Monday to Thursday at 10-14Friday at 10-13  News from the Guidance FunctionWe welcome your suggestions for content for the Guidance Function newsletter. Please submit any suggestions to Opening hoursMonday – Thursday between 10:00 – 14:00Friday between 10:00 – 13:00Tel.: (+45) 2494 7969

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