Opening hours in May

The opening hours in the Guidance Function have changed slightly due to the national holidays in May. Dates on which the Guidance Function is closed are listed below, and will be posted on our LinkedIn-page. As always, we offer first level support regarding requirements and processes surrounding research projects and applications for access to health data.
Closing days in May
Friday, May 13th: Closed
Thursday, May 26th: Closed
Friday, May 27th: Closed
Normal opening hours will apply to the remaining days in May.
Feel free to contact us if you need guidance in your research project. Our services are completely free. The Guidance function offer first level support for Danish and international researchers in need of help to navigate the requirements and processes surrounding research projects.

Call us on tel. +45 2494 7969
Monday – Thursday 09:00-16:00
Friday 09:00-15:00
Or send us an email: